Saturday, January 1, 2011

a new year, a new day, and it's time to run!

I am not a runner...or so I thought. My sister is a world-class runner. My father, when he was young, was an avid runner. But not me--I'd rather just listen to them blabber on and on about running while I did whatever it was that I was interested in doing at the time--but definitely NOT running.

And then I turned 40. I needed a shift. Desperate for a change, I laced up my running shoes and I STARTED TO RUN!!!

My 40th year was a magical year of miles and half-marathons. I ran three half-marathons and logged hundreds of training miles. And somewhere in the midst of those miles, I became a runner.

This year, 2011, I am journaling my way through the miles. I have no doubt that through these next months my heart will heal, my soul will sing, my hair will fly, and I will be forever changed. The anticipation is intoxicating!


Today's Run: 48 minutes; 3:1's flat and fast with the exception of one 5 minute hill. Balmy with rain--it felt so good on my skin! A great New Year's Day run.

1 comment:

  1. HaHA, I FOUND you!!! Good to see you back again!

    LaughingLady (you might remember me better as ValleyGirl)
